The Donald has been out-trumped.  President Obama yesterday released his much sought after long form birth certificate showing that, “yes, he was indeed born in Hawaii” just as he has said for all these years.  But, wait, not to be foiled, birthers have not given up on the game and have, instead, yanked those goal posts out of the ground and huffed and puffed and carried them to a different yard line.

First, it was the constant yapping to see the birth certificate.  Then, when that was produced way back in 2008, the birthers threw down the yellow flag and screamed foul.  They shouted that it was a fake and not the real birth certificate.  Never mind that almost all states do not provide long form birth certificates for proof of birth but rather, upon request and payment, provide a condensed version with basic information included.

Indiana has three types of birth certificates:  the long form (a copy of the actual birth certificate completed at birth), a standard size (a condensed version with relevant information on it), and a wallet size (a condensed version with the relevant information on it).  Neither the standard size nor the wallet size contains the information contained on the full birth certificate.

Despite his “boots on the ground” cloak and dagger act, Trump failed to come up with anything tangible.  His “you won’t believe what they are finding” must have turned into “I don’t believe it, they haven’t found anything.”   Trump has decidedly lost some punch on this issue now that President Obama has produced the certificate that has caused so much angst.

But no sooner had the President released the birth certificate, then Trump turned his comb over in another direction.  Now, the Donald says, the President’s grades need to be placed under a microscope for review.  And, his student loans.  After all, the fact that President Obama graduated Magna Cum Laude from the Harvard Law School and the fact that Obama was President of the prestigious Harvard Law Review – why those just have to be mistakes and somehow undeserved accolades.

The only mistake that has been made is the relentless, unfounded Trump-eting by the Donald.  With an ego larger than the Trump Towers, and, in classic Trump style, he took to the microphones to stoke himself on the back for being the only one in America who could have accomplished this non feat.  No doubt he just wasn’t able to admit that, after weeks of demands and weeks of self-aggrandizing statements, he was out-Trumped by President Obama.

President Obama - Born in the USA


No one can say Donald Trump is lack luster.  But what can be said is that he has little, if any, chance of becoming the Republican nominee for president in 2012.  Perhaps that is why he threw in his two cents on the lingering “birther” non-issue – perhaps hoping to generate some support from the extreme far righties.

Flaunting a true inability to correlate one idea with another, the Donald jumped back onto the birther bandwagon, albeit indirectly, by noting:

“Let me tell you, I’m a really smart guy,” Trump said. “I was a really good student at the best school in the country. The reason I have a little doubt, just a little, is because he grew up and nobody knew him.”

“You may go back and interview people from my kindergarten,” he continued. “They’ll remember me. Nobody comes forward. Nobody knows who he is until later in his life. It’s very strange. The whole thing is very strange.”

Under Trump’s convoluted  mental gymnastics, the lack of knowledge about Obama’s upbringing – including knowing who his friends were at every step of the way – must mean he wasn’t born here.   How else could it be explained that Obama’s childhood friends were unknown?

Trump labels himself a “really smart guy”, yet a really smart guy would be able to demonstrate some type of correlation between not knowing about Obama’s childhood and Obama’s birth in a foreign country  – if that is what Trump is intimating.  The flip side that Trump is pushing is that if one knows all about an individual, then that person surely must have been born here.

Here’s my correlation for the Donald – since there isn’t  a correlation, maybe, just maybe, Trump isn’t a really smart guy.  Now that is a correlation I like.